Welcome to the brand new Legends Bank Website.
Our bank is proud to offer customers a state of the art website experience.
Our new website was designed with you in mind. We have worked hand in hand with the experienced web designers at Thrive Creative Group to include features that will make our customer experience legendary! So what makes this website special? With so many great features, we could go on and on. For now here are the highlights of some of our exciting new website features:
Completely Responsive
A responsive website is designed to adapt to whatever device you use to view the site. That means you get the same Legends Bank experience whether you are using your desktop computer, an iPad, or your phone! Our site is completely accessible, no matter the device you use, for all of your personal or business banking needs.
Featured News Articles
The Legends Bank team is excited to have a place to share our extensive knowledge of personal banking, business banking, our involvement in the community, and just plain fun things we want to share! Our site will now display news, information, specials, and other fun & trendy financial info all for the benefit of our favorite customer, you!
Alerts & Notifications
Our new site allows us to post Alerts or Notifications at the top of our website, whether we are alerting our customers to an online banking outage, weather related bank closure, or notifying them of a new product. All you need to do to see the latest alert from Legends Bank is visit our website.
Search Function
In the past searching for the content you needed was a hassle or downright impossible. Our new & improved search function is designed to allow you to quickly find any information you are looking for on our site. If you can’t find something using our new user-friendly website navigation, all you will need to do is type it into the search bar!
These are just a few of the special features built into our new site. Legends Bank is proud to continue offering online banking and bill pay, business and personal banking, checking and so much more. The information we share here is up to date and as helpful as we can make it. Please, take the time to explore and find all of the wonderful features we’ve added for your convenience.
Legends Bank is proud to be a community bank here in Middle Tennessee. Our extraordinary staff provides a personal touch and legendary customer service! Contact us to learn more about all of the services we offer here at Legends. We’re Legends Bank, a homegrown financial institution that’s here to stay.