NMLS Registry

When you are shopping for a mortgage, it’s critical to work with a licensed mortgage lender. Our Mortgage Loan team is comprised of seasoned professionals who can be found on the National Mortgage Licensing System & Registry.

Loan Originator (first name) (last name) Individual NMLS ID
Thomas E. Bates 423597
Robert Wayne Belvin Jr. 2301977
Amanda Beth Barnett 1933942
Gary Paul Boshers 1534185
Brandon Joseph Bridges 1746088
DeAnne Elizabeth Buck-Williams 1503998
Danielle Marie Burwell 1632055
David J. Coldiron 22747
Kendra Lee Coveney 2050894
Jeremy Craft 851090
David Andrew Crook 2151819
Leanna C. Estep 1963584
Jason D. Fielder 423602
Daniel Wilson Fry 280949
John Harrison Griffin 1227460
Rodney E. Hawkins 628400
Jason C. Hass 628399
Christian R. Heinbockel 2423655
Tiffany Raulerson Hightower 1278501
Jeremy Michael Hoard 2505971
Shawn D. Howard 423603
Marianne Daniels Isbell 1151050
Samuel Creel Jones 910866
Stephen A. Kemmer 1212486
Cynthia Osborne Kennedy 654992
Corey Gene Kirkland Jr. 2316951
Cheryl Lee Lankford 652465
Helen Amelia Magette 641011
William D. Monfore 423608
John Paul Morrow 532527
Polly Wallace Parker 1066180
Rachel Hampel Piech 610941
Michael W. Rainey 423612
Michelle Robertson 1628513
Kent Sandidge IV 1715967
Zachariah Sanders 1628513
John P. Sawyer 423615
Joy Cooper Sensing 704522
Johnathan Fitzgerald Sloan 684412
Mary R. Star 3573901
Jessica Nadeane Todd 1789886
Andrew James Ulrich 1418460
Jeffrey Hayes Wellington, II 440560
Jonathan David Wilson 337336
Jeffery Chad Winn 628415
Sydney Rae Wirt 2573910
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